
Dark Tourism in Ukraine: Foreigners Opt for Extreme Adventures

Despite the ongoing conflict, the number of foreign tourists visiting Ukraine surged in 2024. Many are drawn to dark tourism, exploring sites marked by significant tragic events. However, it's not just the war-related tours that captivate visitors. In relatively safe cities away from the front lines, traditional tourism is gradually making a comeback. Cities like Lviv are seeing a rise in visitors, with popular spots including Market Square, the old town, the opera theater square, and the enchanting Carpathians. Even Odessa and Kyiv are attracting tourists. Visitors to Ukraine highly rate the cafes and restaurants for their excellent service, delicious food, and affordable prices.


When it comes to tours of the liberated cities, thrill-seeking foreigners are willing to pay substantial amounts to witness places like Bucha and other towns in Kyiv Oblast, which were the scenes of Russian war crimes in the spring of 2022. Two and a half years after the full-scale invasion began, these war crime sites have become a lucrative business. There are tours lasting several days or even weeks, costing thousands of euros. Companies also offer shorter excursions, lasting half a day or a full day, to Bucha, Irpin, and Hostomel, which were occupied in the spring of 2022. Foreign tourists are shown locations where Russians killed local civilians. Most visitors come from the USA, with others from the UK, Germany, Japan, and France.


Naturally, the ethics of such tours are questioned. Not all residents appreciate these tours, and some dislike the idea of profiting from tragedy. However, it is crucial for people to come and learn about the atrocities committed by the Russians. Initially, dark tourism in Ukraine gained popularity due to Chernobyl, but now it is the war. What is happening in Ukraine today is our reality. Undoubtedly, we must inform the world about these tragic events and crimes that have no place in the 21st century.