Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and chronic stress, which lead to constipation and excess weight, can cause the development of hemorrhoids. As a result, a person suffers from the pain, bleeding, a constant feeling of discomfort, and even the fear of going to the toilet.

What are hemorrhoids?
In fact, hemorrhoids are are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. Experts distinguish two types of hemorrhoids - external and internal - depending on the location in the anal canal. External hemorrhoids are formed in the immediate vicinity of the anal passage. Internal hemorrhoids are formed at the site of the passage of the anal canal into the rectum. The most characteristic symptoms of the disease are the loss of hemorrhoids during bowel movements, bleeding, impurity of scarlet blood in the stool, sensation of itching, foreign body, pain in the anal canal and rectum. As with any varicose veins, hemorrhoids can thrombus, causing severe pain. In the early stages of the disease, hemorrhoids can fall out when defecating, but then self-easily revert. In later stages, operation is required. In the future, hemorrhoids can begin to fall out under any load, sometimes even with cough. Over time, the hemorrhoids that have fallen out cease to exert themselves and remain outside permanently. At this stage, the disease goes very far, which requires immediate consultation with a specialist. The complication of this disease is hemorrhoid necrosis, the appearance of severe bleeding or acute purulent paraproctitis.
What causes hemorrhoids?
There are many reasons for the development of hemorrhoids. Some of them may include:
- Congenital or acquired weakness of the venous wall;
- Difficulty venous outflow of blood (due to pregnancy, tumor processes, constipation);
- Lack of movement, prolonged stay in a sitting position;
- Errors in nutrition (abuse of spicy, salty);
- Heredity (to some extent);
- Endocrine disorders;
- Natural aging processes;
- Inflammatory processes in the intestine (colitis, proctitis, etc.);
- Frequent use of alcohol.
How can I prevent hemorrhoids?
To prevent hemorrhoids, you should:
- Eat right. A balanced diet should include fluid (1.5-2 liters per day), vegetable fibers (vegetables, cereals, fruits), food to maintain the microflora and intestinal peristalsis, and mineral water. The purpose of the diet is to ensure optimal density and output of fecal matter from the intestine.
- Move more. Useful daily 5-10 minute breaks for movement are useful: walking or light exercise will strengthen the muscles of the crotch and abdominal press. For the prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women need daily gymnastics and walks, as well as good nutrition. The set of exercises is selected taking into account the condition of the woman. It is recommended to avoid clothing that disturbs the bloodstream in the pelvic organs, too tight bandages and belts.
- Observe the rules of hygiene. Avoid heavy straining, do not sit on the stool for long. To resolve the issue with straining, you need to review the power. If possible, wash or use wet wipes after bowel movements.
- Take care of the health of the body as a whole. In the body, all systems are interconnected, and any failure can lead to secondary disease. To avoid this, you need to deal with prevention. Remember that doctors not only treat but also prevent disease. You can seek help from a proctologist at any time.
How to treat hemorrhoids?
To date, various treatments for hemorrhoids are available, the choice of which one depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. Conservative treatment is carried out in the early stages of the disease and consists in the correction of diet, lifestyle and the use of specific drugs. Medicines in the form of candles and ointments relieve pain and inflammation, strengthen the walls of the vessels. Surgical methods (appropriate for the treatment of stage IV) - surgery to remove hemorrhoids is indicated with profuse bleeding and constant loss of nodes (they are subjected to dressing and excision). So, even in the absence of any disorders and symptoms, women and men older than 45 years are recommended to undergo annual physical exams. Regular medical check-ups will allow you to identify any abnormalities at an early stage and start treatment as quick as possible.
Thinking about getting colorectal surgery in Europe? Considering treatment of proctological diseases in Kyiv, Ukraine? Many diseases develop asymptomatically, so early diagnosis is of great importance. Proctology specialists in Kyiv, Ukraine will be able to identify the disease at an early stage and take the necessary measures, which guarantees the effectiveness of the treatment. Clinics in Kyiv, Ukraine are well-equipped and use the latest technologies to perform diagnostics, treatment of different rectal and colon diseases. So, an annual physical exam in Kyiv, Ukraine will help you see how your body is performing and stay healthy.
Do you want to see a proctologist (colorectal surgeon) in Kyiv, Ukraine? How much does hemorrhoid surgery cost in Kyiv, Ukraine? Contact UA Destination team to get health screening tests for women or men or book a proctologist appointment in Kyiv, Ukraine.