Due to clouding of the lens in the eye during cataracts, the patient sees objects dim, blurry. As cataracts develop, the pupil's color instead of black gradually becomes grayish, grayish-white, milky-white. Visual acuity decreases depending on the intensity of the turbidity.

What are cataracts?
Cataracts are one of the most common eye diseases many older people suffer from. The optical system of the eye consists of several lenses. One is on the surface, this is the cornea, the other is inside the eye, this is the lens. Cataracts are a clouding of the lens. At first, you can notice only a slight deterioration in vision. But, unfortunately, the disease is progressing so fast that there is no time to look for signs and symptoms of cataracts. All people over the age of 40 are recommended to visit an eye doctor at least once a year. But if you have found some signs and symptoms of cataract, you shouldn't be very upset. With the new ophthalmology technologies available to us today, this disease can be treated .
What causes cataracts?
There are many causes of cataracts. One of the most common is metabolic disorders. Therefore, regular visits to the ophthalmologist are recommended for patients with endocrine disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, and adrenal diseases. Also, people whose parents have suffered from cataracts are at risk for this disease. Besides the mentioned causes and ageing, cataract risk factors may include ultraviolet radiation, obesity, smoking, eye injury or inflammation, high myopia, hypertension, hormone replacement therapy, etc.
What is phacoemulsification?
If the patient turns to the ophthalmologist with the initial signs of the disease, then treatment always begins with eye drops. In case of far-reaching changes in the lens, a positive effect occurs only as a result of eye surgery. There are many varieties of surgical operations, but the task of them is to remove a clouded lens and replace it with an artificial one. The latest method to treat cataracts is phacoemulsification (phaco) with artificial intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. This is also the most non-traumatic and safe method of cataract removal today. The operation is not very complicated, because a small incision does not require suturing, self-sealing method is performed. During the operation, due to the laser, the lens is converted into an emulsion, which is suctioned from the eye. An artificial lens is implanted instead. As a rule, cataract affects both eyes with age. But the operation is first done on only one. And only when the vision is fully established, after a while the second eye is operated on. Laser phacoemulsification is carried out without mandatory hospitalization. Within a couple of hours after the operation, the patient goes home. Normally, within 2-3 days, visual functions are restored. However, safety precautions are necessary. The patient takes drops, vitamins, and medications to reduce the risk of complications.
What are the benefits of phacoemulsification?
Phaco procedures can be carried out in the very early stages of cataracts. In this case, the operation proceeds even faster and easier. Phaco cataract surgery is performed under local anesthesia. After phacoemulsification, patients again normally see surrounding objects and can work on a computer. This is a minimal surgical intervention, as it requires only a miniature incision. All patients normally react to an artificial lens made of biocompatible material. There are no seams, as the incisions are microscopic in size and they are self-sealing. This is an important advantage due to which the recovery period does not last long.
What are the indications for phacoemulsification?
The main indications for phaco cataract surgery may include:
- deterioration of visual acuity more than 50%;
- appearance of a veil and fog before the eyes;
- ghosting and glare from sources of bright light;
- other symptoms of lens opacity.
Cataract treatment in Ukraine
Considering cataract surgery? High cost of phacoemulsification is a disadvantage of the method. In fact, the cost for this eye surgery is formed from a variety of components, including location, technique, the type of intraocular lens and the degree of complexity. The final price is determined after consultation with a clinic specialist at the initial appointment.
Planning to get cataract surgery in Europe? What is the average cost of cataract surgery in Kyiv, Ukraine? Ukraine is an ideal destination for getting a high quality eye care at reasonable prices. Wheather you are looking for affordable cataract surgery in Kyiv, Ukraine, or just need eye tests and examinations, we are here to help you. Ophthalmology clinics in Ukraine are modern and equipped with the state-of-the-art technology. Ukrainian ophthalmologists are well-educated and experienced.
Still thinking where to get cataract surgery or LASIK eye surgery in Kyiv, Ukraine? We, at UA Destination, aim to help keep your eyesight at its best, providing you with the best ophthalmologist (eye doctor) in Kyiv, Ukraine. Contact UA Destination team and book an eye exam in Kyiv to discuss your health problems and help determine the most suitable vision care for you. Choose Ukraine as your medical tourism destination and UA Destination as your reliable medical tourism agency!