Male infertility is a violation of reproductive function, which makes it difficult or impossible to conceive. In about half of cases, difficulties with conception are caused by impaired male fertility. There is a broad range of treatment options available to help you achieve a positive result, but it is important to conduct timely diagnostics and determine the appropriate treatment.

What causes male infertility?
First of all, the doctor should determines the cause of infertility in men. Often the inability to conceive a child is caused by a combination of pathological factors, therefore, a comprehensive examination, a history of both partners is necessary. The most common causes of male infertility may include:
• abnormalities of reproductive organs;
• inflammation and infections of the genital and urinary tract;
• disruption of the endocrine system;
• the quantity and quality of sperm;
• genetic abnormalities;
• immunological factors.
How is male infertility diagnosed?
Investigating infertility requires tests for both partners. At the first stage of physical examination of men, a doctor conducts an anamnesis and identifies risk factors for infertility. The main analysis for assessing the male reproductive status is semen analysis. This allows you to determine the number of sperm contained in semen, their motility, viability and morphology. Methods for diagnosing infertility in men are created and improved every day. However, this analysis is still considered the most effective and accurate. Also, diagnosing male infertility may involve:
- Genetic testing. This may be done to determine whether a patient has a genetic defect causing infertility.
- Blood tests. The tests are used to assess hormone levels.
- Testicular biopsy. A small portion of testicle and microscope are used to see if the man is able to father a child.
- Ultrasound scans. The main task of scans is to take pictures of the reproductive organs.
How is male infertility treated?
If sperm abnormalities are found, the consultation with a reproductive specialist is essential. Sometimes, the use of medications may help increase testicular function, including sperm production and quality. In some cases, surgical intervention may be required (for example, with varicocele). However, if conservative or surgical treatment does not bring positive results, alternative fertility methods are recommended. These may include:
- Artificial insemination
- In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
- Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
Apart from this, there are actions that men can take to decrease the possibility of infertility. Some of them are:
- Avoiding heavy or frequent use of alcohol and tobacco
- Avoiding hot baths or saunas
- Establishing a good personal hygiene routine
- Avoiding exposure to toxins.
Where to get infertility treatment in Ukraine?
Do you dream of having kids? Infertility treatment in Ukraine wil help you make your dream come true. Fertility clinics in Kyiv, Ukraine are equipped with the up-to-date equipment and technology. Reproductive urologists and fertility doctors in Kyiv and Lviv use the latest technologies and effective methods for treatment of infertility. They will provide you with a range of reproductive methods to help achieve pregnancy, including In vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
Affordable infertility treatment in Ukraine is your opportunity to start a family. Contact UA Destination team and book an appointment with a fertility specialist in Kyiv or Lviv to discuss your reproductive health and help determine the most suitable treatment for you.
IVF treatment in Kyiv! IVF treatment in Lviv! ICSI treatment in Ukraine!