
Drug detox: Addiction treatment in Ukraine

In our life, there are many different types of addictions. Some people can become addicted to gambling, shopping, or even coffee. Others can suffer from alcohol or drug abuse. But in all cases, a person is seriously ill. 

Drug detox in Kiev

Addiction to drugs is a serious mental illness that requires specific treatment. If a person regularly uses drugs, the body accumulates them, leading to big health problems. As a result, drugs constantly poison a drug addict at the physical and psychological level. For example, they cause muscle breakdown, can cause depression or aggression, and cause impaired attention and memory. Besides, toxins can trigger inadequate thinking and even hallucinations. The body can keep these toxins for many years. And they should be removed, because even later after getting into the blood a person, who do not use drugs at this period, can have cravings to use drugs again. In addition, with a high concentration of toxins, they can cause a death. During the period of refusal to use drugs, a person has some painful sensations. That is why the person needs detoxification.

What is Detoxification?

Detoxification, also known as detox, is the process of removing the addictive substances from the body. Detoxification during drug addiction allows a sick person to normalize his general condition and helps to get rid of addiction. However, drug detox is the first stage of treatment that should be completed with the psychosocial rehabilitation. So, only a comprehensive drug detoxification of the body, carried out by an experienced addiction specialist (narcologist), is able to cleanse the patient's body of toxic substances. Without the professional help of specialists, it is practically impossible to return to a normal life.


The duration of the treatment process and the types of medications used can vary.  At the beginning, medical specialists will ask questions to learn about a patient’s medical history and substance abuse. They will also check patients for mental health disorders, infectious diseases and malnutrition. After that, a physician or addiction specialist will develop a plan of treatment. Drug detoxification gives excellent results. It relieves physical suffering and motivates the further fight against drug addiction. However, detox is a very painful and stressful procedure. During the process, a person may undergo a series of side effects and withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, depression, nausea or tremors. 

Drug Detox in Ukraine

Looking for drug rehabilitation facilities and detox centers abroad? Considering drug detox in EuropeDrug addiction treatment in Kyiv, Ukraine is your chance to start a new life. At the initial consultation, you will find out more about the detox procedure, indications and contraindications to it, as well as places where to undergo drug detoxification in Kyiv, UkraineAn individual program of detoxification will be developed by an addiction specialist, depending on the length of the period of use, drugs taken, the age and physical condition of the patient. Detox procedures in Ukraine are carried out in specialized addiction treatment centers, which use certified and verified medications and are supervised by the specialized institutions. 


Contact UA Destination team to book a drug detox program in Kyiv, Ukraine. 

Affordable drug detoxification in Europe!