
"You can - You can not" Art Project

Today, September 18, the art project "You can - You can not" opens at the Museum of Kyiv History. Nine artists from Ukraine take part in the project. These are talented authors who, while working with space, exposure and viewer, update the topics of global issues of the present. This is reported by the museum. 

Art project

All our life we are in the coordinate system "You can - You can not", "You are allowed - You are not allowed". Such a system of restrictions allows many different people to coexist peacefully in society, to develop it and to develop themselves. First of all, this "system" is intended to protect our personal security, since it forbids us to be harmful to other members of society. The set of ethical rules "You can - You can not" we get from parents in early childhood, along with recommendations to seek some compromise within these rules. The "You can - You can not" system describes the complex relationship between the state and the individual: from the liberal “You can do what is not forbidden” to authoritarian “You can do what is allowed (state, public opinion, or something else). In science, "You can - You can not" is not a matter of meaning, but rather a question of the ethics of the search itself, the mechanism and scope of scientific discovery.


What is "You can" and "You can not" in art? How do new approaches, new techniques, new topics generate new meanings? The exhibition offers an open dialogue between artists and viewers on the subject. What problems with the "You can - You can not" coordinate system concern contemporary artists? How is this coordinate system transformed into our dynamic era? What personal " You can" and "You can not" become important to artists and are reflected in their works?