The Golden Gate in Kyiv is one of the main attractions of the historic district of Ancient Kyiv. This is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kyivan Rus during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate in Kyiv is a truly unique construction and one of the few buildings of Kyivan Rus that has come to our days. As a part of National Sanctuary Complex "Sophia of Kyiv", the Golden Gate is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The gate was built in 1037 as a defensive complex together with the ramparts around Upper Kyiv, as well as a number of other entrances to the city, namely the Sofia, Lyadsky and Lviv gates. The Golden Gate also served as a main entrance to the city.
There are a few versions of the name. There was the Church of the Annunciation at the top of the golden gate. The first version says that the domes of the church were gilded, which gave grounds for the name of the gate. According to the second version, the "golden" gate, means the main, solemn gate (similar to the gates of Constantinople).
The Golden Gate was drastically damaged during the invasion of the Batu Khan Horde in 1240. The Tatar-Mongols could not enter through the gate into Kyiv and destroyed it after the capture of the city. That is why the gate was ruined from the inside. Despite the complete destruction, the gate was used as the main entrance to the city for many centuries. In the mid-18th century, the gate was covered with earth. However, in 1832, due to the interest of architects and historians, the gate was cleaned and became a local attraction. The appearance, the Golden Gate has now, was acquired only in the 20th century in the 1970s.
At first, the Museum of the Golden Gate was built, which was originally located near the ruins of the gate and later moved to the reconstructed building of the gate itself. In 1982, the Golden Gate was completely reconstructed. The question of the original appearance of the gate remains quite controversial, because there is no layout or illustration left. Historians and architects used the layouts of such gates in Suzdal and Novgorod, as a sample.
Inside you will find the ruines of Golden Gate and the museum. In 1997, the monument to Yaroslav the Wise, whose hands hold the mock-up of St. Sophia's Cathedral, was erected near the Golden Gate. Today, the Golden Gate is one of the most popular landmarks.
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