
An exhibition of folk painting opened in Ivan Honchar Museum

What to see and do in Kyiv? Why not visit a museum, if you love art? Ivan Honchar Museum begins a series of thematic exhibitions “Favorites” to acquaint guests with the best achievements of the museum’s collections. Ukrainian antiquities, collected by Ivan Honchar for the home museum and by scientists of the state museum, will be shown up to the visitors.

Ivan Honchar Museum in Kiev

As reported on museum’s page on Facebook, the project opens the exhibition “Painting” with the works of folk artists representing the home and church icons of the XVII – mid-20th century from different regions of Ukraine. It's said that Ivan Honchar realized the significance of this artistic heritage of icons and preserved 500 icons from destruction during the times of Soviet atheism. Among the unique exhibits there are examples of famous folk paintings such as “Cossack Mamai” of the 18th and 19th centuries. Such images of a Cossack with a bandura under an oak were widely spread and could be found in almost every peasant hut. This character was painted on doors, walls, beehives, on different objects. In the minds of the people of that time, this image acquired the meaning of a kind of talisman against all evil. A number of artworks include national landscapes, everyday scenes from village life, portraits of Ukrainian girls, still life and others.


The exhibition will work until August 18, 2019.