
Ancient Kyiv in "The Kyivan Rus Park" celebrates Ivan Kupala holiday

On July 6 and 7 in Ancient Kyiv, the Principality of Kyivan Rus ("Park of Kyivan Rus") will host the celebration of Ivan Kupala Holiday in accordamce with ancient Slavic traditions. Ancient Kyiv invites everybody to celebrate the holiday of Ivan Kupala in a real, lively medieval city with greatness and joy. The program includes fascinating medieval activities, equestrian shows and horseback riding, tasty snacks, extreme entertainment and relaxation around Forest lake.

Park of Kyivan Rus

''The evening program will be inflammatory, in the literal sense of the word. With the onset of twilight in Ancient Kiev, the fire will burn. It is said that the Kupala fire purifies from troubles and illnesses. Therefore, it is worthwhile to use the opportunity to burn the negative and refresh oneself by jumping over the fire. The culmination of the holiday will be the burning of Kupala's dummy. Together with this big straw doll, all the hardships will be burned, and the fun round dances around the bonfire will fill you up with a positive energy,'' the organizers say.


On Saturday evening, guests will have a fire show, and late at night a medieval disco on the mystical Forest Lake will take place.


Date & time: 6-7 July from 10.00 to 23.00.

Address: Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of "Kyivan Rus" Kopachiv, Ukraine.


P.S. Traditionally, from July 6 to July 7, Ukraine celebrates the magic folk festival of Ivan Kupala. Traditions and activities connected with this holiday dated back to Pagan rituals. Its name was originally Kupala. After the adaption by Orthodox Christianity, it got the word "Ivan" (John, here John the Baptist).